Most of the images in this series are imaginary people created in the studio through combinations of props, makeup,
and clothing on hand. I have concentrated on the face and hands of the model, two of the most visually expressive
parts of the body. Many of these images were shot with a 12x20 view camera and contact printed in platinum/palladium
or on silver gelatin paper.
Bebe 12x20 Platinum/Palladium Print |
Band Uniform 12x20 Platinum/Palladium print |
Rocky Horror 12x20 Platinum/Palladium print |
Witch 12x20 Platinum/Palladium Print |
Masquerade 12x20 Platinum/Palladium print |
Flapper 12x20 Platinum/Palladium print |
Folded Hands 12x20 Platinum/Palladium Print |
Head in Hands 12x20 Platinum/Palladium Print |
Candlelit Interlude 12x15 Platinum/Palladium print |
Mercia by Candlelight #1 12x15 Platinum/Palladium Print |
Julia 12x20 Platinum/Palladium print |