The images in this portfolio are about man's use of stone from the stone age to modern times. Most of the images are from the
Orkney Islands at the northern tip of Scotland. Everything is made from stone on Orkney - homes, farm buildings, churches, fence
rows, ancient burial chambers, stone circles. Trees and wood are scarce. Stone is abundant. |
Three Stones at Sunset Stennes Circle Platinum/Palladium Print |
St. Magnus Nave Ceiling St. Magnus Cathedral Platinum/Palladium Print |
Neolithic Bed Boxes Skara Brae Platinum/Palladium Print |
Sun Glow Stone Clava Cairn Platinum/Palladium Print |
South Transept Detail St. Magnus Cathedral Platinum/Palladium Print |
Two Stones Stennes Circle Platinum/Palladium Print |
Baptismal St. Peter's Kirk Platinum/Palladium Print |
Kiln Corrigal Farm Platinum/Palladium Print |
Ruthven Barracks The Highlands Platinum/Palladium Print |
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 St. Peter's Kirk Platinum/Palladium Print |
Cormac of the Sea St. Magnus Cathedral Platinum/Palladium Print |
Neolithic Dwelling Skara Brae Platinum/Palladium Print |
Croft Outbuilding Corrigal Farm Platinum/Palladium Print |
Sunlit Wall and Window St. Magnus Cathedral Platinum/Palladium Print |
South Transept Rose Window St. Magnus Cathedral Platinum/Palladium Print |
Stones and Heather Brodgar Circle Platinum/Palladium Print |
Four Brothers Brodgar Circle Platinum/Palladium Print |
Stone Gateway Arch Kirbuster Platinum/Palladium Print |
Stone Wall and Hill Kirbuster Platinum/Palladium Print |
Three Stones and an Outlier Stennes Circle Platinum/Palladium Print |
Happy Cows
Ramsquoy Farm Cows Orkney Platinum/Palladium Print |